Sunday, November 16, 2008

Repression and Avoidance.

Repression and Avoidance. The healthiest way to deal with stress and your feelings.

I have fallen off of the face of the earth lately. Work stuff has been a little rocky(too busy, I don't have all the answers) so I like to crawl in a hole and not talk to anyone until I know all of the answers and have the problems solved. It makes my mom crazy. She is so sensitive and loving and wants to help me and hear my stories...all I want to do is not talk about it and get off of the phone. Unfortunately that is how 3/4 of her daughters are. We don't like to talk about our feelings...or really even have them if at all avoidable. We fast forward through all conflicted parts of movies, change the station to avoid conflict on television, and all only own really crappy hysterical movies with happy endings and no plot. I will admit that I am probably the worst.

We get the channel changing thing from our father. I thought Jake was going to freak out and beat him up when we were at home a few weeks ago. My dad only had one working foot so it wouldn't have been that hard. He wouldn't have been able to run away very fast. I think pity was the only thing that prevented my husband from snatching one of dad's crutches (the only one left after the other blew out of the back of the pickup) and beating dad over the head with it until he gave the clicker up to Jake or vowed to watch an ENTIRE television program, football game, or commercial without changing it to avoid the conflict portion. I think Jake missed three game winning field goals, 5 plot altering conflicts in TV shows, and anything meaningful in general that occurred on TV that day. I just sat on the couch and laughed. It was a really nice afternoon of TV for me!

Anyway, I suppose this is an apology post. To all of you that have left me phone messages without responses, sent e-mails without responses, or just wondered if I fell down a rabbit's hole, I apologize. I am doing my best to catch up this weekend. Tough it out with me..I am sorry..I will be better when I have all the answers again!