Thursday, October 22, 2009

Power Tools and Pumpkins

We had an excellent time last night carving pumpkins with some friends. I got tired of using the wimpy little knives that came with the carving kits and so I thought outside of the box a bit. So Jake and I busted out the jigsaw and drill left over from our home remodeling days and went all "This Old House" on those poor pumpkins. It was amazing how much faster you can carve a pumpkin with the assistance of electricity... Unfortunately we didn't get any good pictures last night. We might try again later so be ready.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Current Favorite Things

  1. The "Superfreak" commercial for Visa debit is my new favorite commercial..and the only one I will not fast forward through with my amazingly awesomely powerful DVR remote. "Let your freak flag fly".
  2. The show "Modern Family" on ABC is the funniest show I have seen in several years. I see flashes of myself in the neurotic one...not unusual unfortunately.
  3. If you get on YouTube and search for "popping a cyst" you will get hours of entertainment and an upset stomach. Thank you Travis.
  4. My dog likes to use his limitless mental powers to make me give him part of my sandwich.
  5. I want to learn how to upholster furniture...or at least a chair. I accidentally watched someone do that on TV and it looked so easy.

So there you go.

Fall? What the heck?

So it has been freaking freezing here. Which wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't been so freaking hot for the past 3 months. I scraped my car of frost this morning and am currently running the heat in the apartment. Although we didn't have to run the heat over the weekend as the lady that lives below us runs her heat at approximately 95 degrees. Apparently, she got it hot enough over the weekend to not have to run it the rest of the week.

So the grass is still green, the leaves haven't changed, and I am freezing my butt off. Magical. Although I do appreciate not pitting out my shirts before I get to work in the mornings. Fall is a little sad because by the time it gets nice enough to be outside in the evenings the days are really short.