Saturday, December 19, 2009

So Luckily That Worked Out..

So the fantastic house in the last blog post ended up needing a new roof, so there was a moment of "AAAAHHHH" when we realized the whole deal could explode. Luckily, we found out last night that everything was on, and we close on January 4th! Hurray! It is a relief to know that there is somewhere to put our furniture when it arrives in Bartlesville.

We are here through Christmas, and I have decorated the apartment up like Christmas exploded so it doesn't seem so sad to be without our families. We are also very lucky to have some good friends that are going to be here too, so we are going to have a mish-mash of traditions together to make our own holiday. Should be a lot of fun. Then four days later we leave. I am working up to the 11th hour so that the rest of the staff can have some time off, and we can pay to have someone else pack up our junk so Jake and I can stay married. I feel like moving yourself more than 2 times should be strongly advised against if you still want to speak to one another!

This whole thing is wild to think about. One week is Christmas, 10 days we move, then Jake and I will roll into Lindsborg on New Year's eve with a car pulling a car, just in time to par-tay. I have a fantastically awesome wedding to attend on January 2nd, then head to B-ville on that Monday to take possession of our freshly roofed house. WHEW! No wonder I am having more trouble relaxing right now than I usually do. Good thing I have plenty of distractions with the holidays and work, otherwise I would be an even bigger mess!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

So This is Where We Are Going to Live

So Jake and I finally bought a house. In Bartlesville, Oklahoma...

Yep, the Worcesters are taking this show on the road again! We should be settling in by the second week of January. Here we go again, another chapter in the adventure!

Thanksgiving at the Waffle House

Every year I have to work a holiday in the hospital Physical Therapy department. In the past I had gotten away with working 4th of July and Labor this year my internal guilt meter forced me stop being a bum and pick one of the "real" holidays. I ended up with Thanksgiving.

The idea of therapy over the holidays and on weekends is a noble one. We should provide therapy 365 days a year to the folks who have to be in the hospital. I am skilled and my services are needed to help them get to return home to their friends and families...but someone should tell the patients that. They all looked at me like I was nuts when I told them my plans for their physical betterment on Turkey Day. Luckily my charm is irresistible and they all loved me by the end, but it was touch and go initially with all of them! That is why I love being an outpatient PT, I don't have to talk anyone into therapy. On a regular day when I work in outpatient, patients just showing up to PT is an indication that they want to participate. In the hospital I have to go in there like a guy selling dirt to a bird and try and con them into participating. I am a bad salesman, that is a fact. It is especially hard for me with the 95 year old folks...If I don't want to get out of bed at 95, I expect to be left alone because I am NINETY-FREAKING-FIVE and have lived long enough to get to make all my own decisions.

Anyway, I conned my way through and survived my holiday! Which was good because we were driving to Nashville for Thanksgiving with Jake's family. I had to work until early afternoon, so we didn't get out of here until around 2pm. So, obviously we weren't going to complete the 8 hour drive in time for Thanksgiving dinner (which we were having on Friday anyway). Where to eat, where to eat? How about just a drive through so we can keep going? Nope, no dice all closed. Well, there's a Waffle House...that will have to do. Holy crap. The staff and patrons were competing for the "who can be crazier" award. I can see why these folks were spending Thanksgiving in the Chattanooga Waffle House..their families are all in jail for running meth labs or jacking cars. Honestly, it was a little depressing. I knew that my family was together having fun and Jake's family was together having fun, and even my co-workers in Greenwood were together having fun...and luckily I was with Jake because it was not really that much fun.

Anyway, it ended up being a great time once we got to Nashville, so it was all worth it. We spent time with Jake's family, went to see the movie "The Blind Side" which was totally fantastic, and had a great Thanksgiving meal. We got the Christmas card picture taken for the Worcesters and then Jake and I decided to try and get a picture with Ike the dog. Ike had been running around wild for two days being an "outdoor dog" so it was a bit of a challenge. By "outdoor dog" I mean he had spent about 4 hours a day running around outside like a banshee, and an additional 2 hours staring in the house fogging up the windows, and the remaining 18 hours sleeping inside because he was so exhausted. So we wrangled him up, found a good spot, held him down, and got him in a picture. I will try to post it because it is hysterical. Ike did the best job of any of us..Jake and I are being blinded by the sun somehow. Only after the picture does Jake's aunt tell us that we took our picture while standing in their Pet Cemetery...No wonder Ike didn't want anything to do with it...