Friday, May 14, 2010


We got to spend last weekend with our buddies from South Carolina. It was the best time. I certainly miss those jokers. They were my family for 2.5 years when we were too far away from our "real families". I got to see a former employee of mine marry a student of mine. They were engaged before she came to be my student, but it was still fun for me. We ran through Greenwood and I got to hang out with my old boss/mentor who is my absolute favorite. That is always refreshing for me. It recharges my batteries and gets me excited about work. We then pushed through to Atlanta in our ghetto cruiser rental car.

Jake is a "Gold Member" at the Hertz rental car joint. Apparently that doesn't matter in Atlanta. Apparently that means you get the crappiest car they make. Luckily we only drove it 8 hours in 72 hours. It was a piece of junk for sure.

We stayed in Midtown Atlanta and it was AWESOME! We stayed at the Marriott Suites with 8 of our friends and had a big time. We went to some great restaurants, I got to run around Piedmont Park (ATL version of Central Park), got to catch up with some great people and had a super time. The wedding was outdoors and the weather was gorgeous. The wedding was at 12:30 on a Sunday and the DJ wanted us to tear up the dance floor by about we complied. I love my husband for that reason. If someone needs him to do the Cupid Shuffle in front of everyone in order to make a wedding dance fun, he'll do it. I a never alone in my stupidity..we'll mostly never alone. I do some pretty stupid things.

We got home LATE on Sunday night and the next morning I got up and went to work, Jake got up and went to the airport. I left yesterday for a class, Jake gets home tonight late. I get home late Sunday night, Jake leaves late Sunday night. Fun.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cool/Not Cool

1. Cool: Writing a fantastic post that was awesome all based on the "Cool/Uncool" theme. It was magical. Not cool: The internet not being fully connected and the post being lost into cyberspace never to be seen again.

You all will just have to wonder how good it was. It was spiffy for sure.

Screw you internet lords and evil connection failure wizards. I am almost certain it is some sick jackass's job to make sure I fail at using technology..because it really shouldn't be possible that I can be that bad at it. And I hate my husband for then being helpful and telling me what I "should" have done. I seriously want to kick him.

Happy Freaking Monday.