Saturday, September 11, 2010

Super Saturday

After about 6 weeks of running around crazy, we have a weekend with nothing scheduled. I love to go see folks and to have them come see us, but there is something to be said for having no reason to get out of bed on a Saturday! I am pumped to watch football, cook a bunch of fun food, and just mess around with a short "to-do" list. I am through my first beer of the afternoon, so it is going to be a beautiful day!

I just have some random ramblings if you have nothing better to do than read this!

Our lawn has multiple personalities. Sometimes I look at it and think that we are making awesome progress, then other times I look at it and think that we should just dig a moat around the house and just set the yard on fire. We have a combination of mushrooms from the wetness, dead grass (or "dormant" Jake keeps telling me) from the heat, patches where the grass is 6 inches high and places where the grass is really short.. Oh, and there are trees growing up through the bushes we are trying to kill. Luckily we have some constants, like the grass attempting to grow across the sidewalks and weeds everywhere. The weeds are really impressive. They are truly hardy and prolific. We had some that were 6 feet tall. No lie. PS: who decided they were "weeds"? Maybe since the "weeds" do so well, we should make them the primary part of the yard and kill off the finicky grass... Just a thought. Hopefully we can get out there and do something about it tomorrow as it is finally less than 100 degrees with 75% humidity every day.

I am still getting ready for our Half Marathon in October. My body no longer finds it entertaining that I am only running and no longer biking or doing core strengthening, so it decided to really make itself heard over the past two weeks. It's funny that even when I spend all day telling people what to do for stuff like this for a living, I am too lazy to do it right for myself. It was going too well. It is fun to be a "runner" though. I was always in awe of anyone who could just go out and run a few miles like it is no big deal. I realized the other day that I no longer see 3 miles as a "big deal", and I have done a 10 mile run and lived through it. Pretty cool to see something in yourself at 32 you couldn't have had the mental fortitude to do at 20...although my body would probably feel better if I were 20!

Work is super busy. I am glad to have a bunch of time this weekend becuase I have some performance appraisals to work on and my student's assessment to do as well. Being a student is the worst. You are taking out a loan so you can pay the school, so you can come to my clinic and work 40 hours a week. That is pretty dis-heartening for sure for him, but he is doing a great job and is a good guy. He laughs at my jokes and helps me get my work done without making me want to strangle him, so that is pretty top notch for a student!

Well, off to focus on football!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Really Great Weekend

This weekend (or whole month actually) was an example of how it is nice to be back close to home again. I got to spend the weekend with my family without catching a plane, missing any work, and I know I will get to do it again next month if not sooner. I miss many things about South Carolina, but what I get to do here far outweighs the lack of winter weather, beach proximity, and even the ease of oyster procurement!

KSU won, KU lost and honestly there is no better way to appreciate a Saturday. However, as a KSU fan you can never truly enjoy it as we spend out time waiting for the other shoe to drop when we will lose to some jackass team that we should beaten just because we are KSU and that is how it goes. I may purchase a NDSU t-shirt just in case we have it together this season and it would be my chance to wear it with pride.

We also got a ton of wedding planning done for Molly. We are trying to figure out where to have her bachelorette party. She lives in Memphis, friends in KC so she thinks she wants to be in KC...but we may try and squeeze a hometown shower in that weekend...and that is where it all gets dicey. I am the Matron of Honor..that word is weird. "Matron". Awesome. Time to buy a girdle...