Monday, December 1, 2008


We spent our seconds turkey day in the SC last week.  Each therapist needs to be around for either Christmas or Thanksgiving and we generally like to take a lot of time around Christmas.  There is nothing like being at home for Thanksgiving, but home is not an option from this distance currently so we make the best of the day.  We are very lucky to be surrounded by other people that don't have families here and are our friends so it makes for good company!  

There were five of us for lunch/dinner and everyone brought different things that they had for their own home Thanksgivings.  I was "in charge" of the staples: turkey, potatoes, green bean casserole, dressing, and rolls...and cherry pie.  Jake loves cherry pie.  I totally despise everything about it.  Needless to say it is not an often made creation at our house.  It was not a total success but not a total failure.  Jake ate the whole pie in about 3 days so it must not have been totally bad.  

We had appetizers, played games and before we knew it the turkey was done!  Pretty darn good day all around.  It was great to spend time with friends and kick back....and eat combinations and amounts of things that have make my stomach a mess for almost 5 straight days now.  But I am totally thankful for every miserable, carb fueled moment!  Definitely missed all of you, but thought of you guys all throughout my day and was lucky enough to have a few other great folks to surround myself with.  

Hope all is well with all of you and you had a great turkey day!  Gooble, gobble! 

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