Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So there you go...

Jake has been traveling quite a bit lately so there have been funny things I have noticed:

1. Jake makes a lot of laundry- I need to buy more underpants and work shirts so that I can have enough to make a full load. I did 2 loads that were 1/3 full. No good...although now that I think of it, less folding and I actually know where everything goes...hmmm

2. Jake makes a lot of dishes- I have had to run a half load lately because I used up all my cereal bowls and coffee mugs. But, Jake is also in charge of putting away the dishes and is quite good at it.

3. Jake eats a lot of food- I made entirely too much I used up all my Tupperware to store it. There is usually only one little tub of leftovers. I will never eat all of this. What is the mailing address for the starving African children?

4. Jake is great with the remote- Unless there is actually nothing on for real all of the sudden. He always finds something good...or at least watch-able.

4b. Jake is the only one who knows how all of our remote controls work- Criminy. Seriously? I am staring at 5 remotes. Not one of them makes someone come and bring me a snack.

5. I am a terrible relaxer..or Jake is an excellent relaxer- He is the only reason I relax. He is the Master Relaxer, and it is contagious. I am a total nutcase by myself. I will make dust on concrete. I plan how to relax....

This is all probably why I miss him so much when he is gone. Not enough dishes or laundry, nothing on TV (not that I can run the clicker anyway), and I just run around like an idiot until I fall over.

So there you go.

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