Monday, February 23, 2009

"You Can't Go Back For The Eyeballs.."

So I am taking Self Defense. It is the most educational and fantastic thing I have ever done for myself. It has been a really empowering to learn how to get out of grips, kick people in the knee in the proper way to ruin their patellar tendon, and elbow them in the head/neck in a way to disable them so that you can escape...and last but not least, gouge out their eyes. I am not kidding. However, I was told that we are only allowed to use "reasonable" force on our attacker. The teacher actually said that we cannot beat the ever loving crap out of the attacker and then go back and gouge out their someone has done that...well, actually it does mean that someone has done that or their wouldn't be a warning. We also practiced calling the police and telling them our name, that we were in fear for our lives, and that we may need a lawyer. It was a lot.

Initially I didn't really think I would learn that much. I was totally wrong. A bunch of us go from work to Self Defense and have accidentally kicked the crap out of one another repeatedly. Bruises, joints popping, throat jabbing is just another day at the office over lunch after my peanut butter sandwich.

Today was fun because we got a coupon for mace from a hunting store (they don't sell it at WalMart anymore) and instructions on how to get a concealed weapons permit. Homework is fun.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Full Schedule

I left home on Friday morning at 4 a.m. and got back home last night at 12:30 from Colorado. It was some crazy business but tons of fun. I am totally tired but it was an awesome time.

There should be a showering requirement when you buy a plane ticket. I sat by perfectly normal people that just stunk like BO craziness on the two long lengths of my flight. It was intense. I connected through Detroit. The airport was surprisingly nice. I thought "maybe Detroit gets a bad rap", but was promptly informed by other people I traveled with that were from Detroit that the city earns every bad stigma that it has garnered. The new city slogan could be "Detroit, it is as bad as you think".

I got to Denver on Friday morning and Jake and I headed downtown. It's a really interesting place with neat mix of work/shopping/restaurants. You have to keep your head on a swivel because there are buses and trains driving all over the place like crazy. After we checked out LoDo we headed to Fort Collins to meet up with Jake's sister, her boyfriend, Jake's business partner-person, and his wife. It was great to catch up with everyone! I was totally wiped out.

We got up early the next morning and headed to the slopes. The traffic was super nasty but it was worth it to get to the mountain. It was busy but tons of fun. I had a hard time getting going on the skis as everyone warned me a million times to "not break a leg" in SC before I left. I never heard that in KS. Not sure if more South Carolinians break their leg skiing than people from other states, but I was seriously paranoid by Saturday. I was a total wiener. Skiing like a wiener is a lot of hard work. My hips were tired and my calves were on FIRE by the end of the day. I managed not to fall by completely wearing myself out. Jake and I went to a really cool pizza place and couldn't even manage to have a conversation with one another at 7:30 at night because we were so exhausted.

The second day was SO MUCH BETTER. It did help that Jake and I slept for 12 hours on Saturday night. We skied around in the trees and Jake had some awesome wipeouts. It was exhausting for sure. My only wipe out (and the worst wipe out of the weekend) was when I was trying to come to a stop next to Jake on a particularly steep part of the mountain...truth be known, I was actually initially trying to spray him with snow but then realized that I couldn't stop. Poor Jake was under the impression I would stop too....until I took him out at the boots and we landed in a pile of skis and elbows on the side of the hill. It was hysterical.

Ft. Collins was neat. We weren't there very long but it was cool to see. There is a fun progressive/college atmosphere there. It is nice to see where Jake spends some of his time when he is not here. His partner and his family are awesome so it is nice that he has great people to support him.

Flew home late last night. It was great to ship home all of my winter stuff and step off the plane into 54 degrees at 11p.m. I couldn't decide what was better, the skiing or the warmth!

Monday, February 2, 2009


We got the best couch in the world last week. Not that our other nasty, strange colored, cushion with dog chewed corner that was too uncomforable for words wasn't worth keeping.. It is an indisputable fact that this couch is better. It was on sale, it is the same color as Ike and could be the most fantastic nap couch I have ever been a part of. Yes, even better than the Toll House leather couches of nap fantasticness. If I had any knowledge of how to take a picture of it and post it on here I would. You would all see it wonderfullness even through the internet. No idea how happy a piece of furniture could make me!