Monday, February 23, 2009

"You Can't Go Back For The Eyeballs.."

So I am taking Self Defense. It is the most educational and fantastic thing I have ever done for myself. It has been a really empowering to learn how to get out of grips, kick people in the knee in the proper way to ruin their patellar tendon, and elbow them in the head/neck in a way to disable them so that you can escape...and last but not least, gouge out their eyes. I am not kidding. However, I was told that we are only allowed to use "reasonable" force on our attacker. The teacher actually said that we cannot beat the ever loving crap out of the attacker and then go back and gouge out their someone has done that...well, actually it does mean that someone has done that or their wouldn't be a warning. We also practiced calling the police and telling them our name, that we were in fear for our lives, and that we may need a lawyer. It was a lot.

Initially I didn't really think I would learn that much. I was totally wrong. A bunch of us go from work to Self Defense and have accidentally kicked the crap out of one another repeatedly. Bruises, joints popping, throat jabbing is just another day at the office over lunch after my peanut butter sandwich.

Today was fun because we got a coupon for mace from a hunting store (they don't sell it at WalMart anymore) and instructions on how to get a concealed weapons permit. Homework is fun.

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