Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Ode to "Fake Patty's Day"

I suppose an "ode" is actually a poem. I stink at poetry but still wanted the title to have "ode" in it, so this is what you are stuck with.
One of the things I really miss about Manhattan is "Fake Patrick's Day" which is occurring this weekend. It is a manufactured holiday that is frivolous, but still a good time (much like Valentine's Day..c'mon ladies, you know it is) . It was thrown together by the Aggieville bar mafia 5-10 years ago as the very liquor lucrative St. Patrick's Day was falling on Spring Break and stealing away all of their profits...hmm, how can they solve this. "Oh, let's just move everything for St. Patrick's Day up a weekend. Maybe no one will notice." We noticed...and we thought it was a great idea. There is a parade, a fun run and everyone wears green. You would seriously thinks it was St. Patty's Day for real, but the best part is that you get to celebrate again the next weekend if you are around Manhattan and didn't go anywhere for Spring Break...or you are an adult. Manhattan is a magical place.
Although Fake St. Patty's Day has an evil side too. Your husband can be out of town, you can spend hours in the Loo (totally unacceptable for an adult) drinking green beer, get take out from Texas Star and eat it in your neighbor's yard on the way home after "taking a nap" in their yard. That's just hypothetical... Good news is that you get a re-do the next weekend if you screwed it up. Life needs more days like that. Fact.

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