Sunday, July 5, 2009

Great Sunday Morning

I got to sleep in late this morning (8 a.m.), then get up and watch the Tour de France and Roddick vs. Federer Wimbledon final. Yeah! It is supposed to be rainy this afternoon so maybe we can get some stuff done and relax. It's hard for me to relax when it's nice outside. I feel like we should be out doing something.

We hosted 4th of July yesterday afternoon with beers and grilling by the pool. We gave up on the fireworks because Greenwood wasn't having them and it would have been a haul to go see them. The town that was having them was about 15 miles away (Ninety-six...yes, that IS the name) and we had ridden through on a bike ride earlier in the morning. It was already a mess. There were people everywhere and it was near suicide on a bicycle. We were lazy and decided it was too much work to fight so we just hung out and watched the DC fireworks on TV. The Sesame Street characters were on stage and singing the regular classics and it made me laugh to see the kids in the audience in awe of what they were seeing on the stage. I was that kid almost 30 years ago. That Big Bird is aging well..

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