Monday, November 9, 2009

Go Bananas Go Go Bananas!

Jake and I like to pretend that we like bananas. We buy them at the store regularly, we have them on the counter top well in reach for healthy snacking, potassium is good for you, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, so there is a very small window for when bananas are delicious. It it seriously about a day in a half. Once they hit brown, no one here will eat them...but we pretend we will. So they sit there until they are really rank, and then the pioneer in me won't let them go to waste and I put them in the freezer so I can one day make them into banana bread. Then one Tuesday night I find I can no longer put actual food in my freezer because of all the dead bananas I am saving.

After a marathon night of baking, I now I have 6 loaves of banana bread..some of which should go into the freezer...WHAT? I haven't solved my problem. Crap!

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