Wednesday, August 25, 2010

So That's What I Dream When I Take Allergy Medicine

So I had this dream last week. It was bizarre. I dreamt that I had changed professions and was now a sanitation attendant (janitor) in a super classy subway bathroom (not classy at all). I was actually working in a men's bathroom, which doubled as a cafeteria, where all of the stalls had no doors. Yep, that's pretty bizarre.

Don't worry though, it was totally "G rated" because everyone was eating food off of their laps or reading the paper in their stalls...rank.

In that same dream, a very good friend of our had to go to jail for shooting a moose..with the gun behind his back. It apparently was not problematic that he shot the moose, only that he did it with the rifle behind his back.

Neat Benedryll, thanks.

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