Sunday, October 31, 2010

Adventure Cooking

So I am trying something new today. I am making pork green chili to attempt to replicate the great stuff we were eating in CO. I hope it's at least a little good because it's some work for sure. I don't think I have enough chilis so we will have to head back to the store, and I don't have any tomatillos, so I will have to find those as well. I really like to try and get outside my "cooking comfort zone" every now and then. I do tend to struggle with it because I really don't do well following recipes because I am a "dumper" at heart and am not much at measuring.

I am trying to get better at cooking mexican food and chinese food. I am sure you were all wondering... I think that it benefits me way more in my day to day cooking to try new things in other cuisine. I think I have learned how to add flavor in different ways with the influences from other cultures. Of course it doesn't always work out.

I am wanting to get another half marathon on the schedule. There is one in 3 weeks in Tulsa, but I can't decide if I want to try it. I haven't run in 2 weeks with recovering from the half marathon and now I have a nifty ingrown toenail I am having worked on Tuesday morning. Gross.

Last funny thing. Our neighborhood declared YESTERDAY Halloween. They posted signs and everything. It was weird. Apparently our neighborhood (actually the newer part) is a madhouse on Halloween, and I am not sure if that impacted the decision, and in what way. Just seems weird.

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