Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Hibernation

I haven't touched this thing in months. It's too bad. There is not a really good excuse, but when Jake is out of town I kind of shut down a bit. There was also a stretch of 6 weekends in a row where we were out of town through the beginning of January. There was also the 3 weekends in a row I was sick with either a cold or the worst stomach flu. Gross. So that brings us to last weekend. That was my sister's bachelorette party.

It ended up going very well, which was a real relief. There is a lot of pressure when you are an older sister throwing a party for younger sister. You really want to be cool and fun, but you don't actually know what they enjoy doing. You only remember the stories that she told about what she and her friends did. In that case, I was going to need insurance on the hotel room and a CSI clean up crew... They were a pretty crazy crew in college. They would show up to tailgates with Kool-Aid mustaches and covered in mud when it hadn't rained in weeks. Needless to say, they were a good time.

We had snacks and cocktails and headed out to Aggieville. We watched a brutal KSU game where we blew it, and then had a great time in Aggieville. It was apparently "Transvestite Saturday" in Aggieville that night, so that really made for some local color I hadn't seen before i the 'Ville. Quite exciting.

Let's see if I will come back to this before another 2 months...

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