Thursday, December 13, 2007

"How I Would Kill You"...

So, Jake and I were sitting out on our deck tonight and somehow the topic turned to how we would dispatch one another in mortal hand to hand combat....Jake didn't referee tonight, so the conversation was sparse... I figure that is a regular conversation for any regular married couple to have occasionally anyway.. So, it was my skilled PT knowledge against his general brawn and I guess both of us were pretty passionate about the discussion as neither of us is really fond of being wrong. Later that night Jake is taking the dog out and runs into one of the apt managers who makes a comment about how it is so weird that OUR SPECIFIC BUILDING is situated in such a way that you can hear every word we say all the way on the other side of the apt complex. In case you are not keeping up, that is code for the fact that everyone heard Jake and I talking about how we would kill each other in hand to hand combat. Even I am a little embarrassed about that one. Probably not good. Jake thinks he needs to go talk to the apt guys about it tomorrow and explain that neither one of us is actually trying to kill the other one...just talking about how we would do it if we had to.... The lesson is that Jake and I no longer live where no one else hears our discussions so we need to keep the crazy to ourselves...or, if you find me dead from a 3rd grade Tae Kwan Do move, Jake did it...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Not So Awesome

It really does not sound like it is a good week to be in Kansas. I hope all of you are staying safe and warm in your houses. Jake and I are thinking of you and are guessing you are wishing you had come along to least for the week!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ike The Trainwreck.

Ike has not been getting out as much since we moved. We live on the second floor of an apartment complex with a very serious rule about dogs not being off of the leash so his life is pretty sedate. So when Ike does get outside and off of the leash to do a little Frisbee catching he takes it very seriously.

Jake brought Ike back from the park yesterday and Ike was limping a little...and tracking blood all over the white carpet that we don't actually own. Anyway, to make a long story short, Ike had torn the top off of one of his small pads. Jake and I taped a sock on his foot (yep, the vet said that was the way to go) and ran out the door.

We get home last night and he is limping on his other leg, which he has actually slit/skinned a quarter size chunk of pad off of the bottom of his foot. So, by 11 pm last night our dog was walking around wearing two of Jake's socks taped on his front feet. He was not amused and fell over several times when he stepped on his own floppy socks. Sad little animal...he can't trust either of us. Jake apparently took him to play fetch in an abandoned glass dump and I taped socks on him. He is hiding from us today. I would hid from us too.

Christmas Time...Kinda

It is 77 degrees today. There are people at the Christmas tree place wearing shorts. It is really hard to get into the spirit this year due to the unusual weather circumstances I am living in. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING. I know most people that read this are sitting in Kansas in a pile of ice and snow that is a major problem to every activity. I am baking Christmas cookies with the deck door open and the air conditioner on so we don't sweat to death with the oven running. Very bizarre.

It is a little weird to get up everyday and have nice weather. It is like being Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day". Almost every day has been sunny, pleasant, and exceedingly boring. Not to say I want to return to freak ice storms and random tornadoes, but a nice thunderstorm when I am at work with nowhere else to go wouldn't be completely uninvited. That and the fact that it hasn't rained here in forever and apparently Atlanta is drinking all of the water in the south...too bad they can't drink out of the ocean. Then again, they would probably use that all up on their yards anyway. Everyone is so wound up about "the drought" down here. Apparently they have never lived in Western Kansas.

Anyway, I am definitely feeling badly for all of you with the 1 inch of ice on the roads, brandishing your snow shovels (we sold ours for $1 about 4 months ago), and slip sliding all over the Sunflower State. I am so excited to get back home for a little Christmas and maybe just a dusting of snow while Jake and I are more than a few flakes required to make me happy.