Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mountains and Bluegrass

We headed to Asheville this last weekend for a belated Valentine's Day trip. It was an awesome time. It is total clash in culture between absolute hippieville and huge houses chewing up all of the mountain views. Very bizarro. The restored downtown area is a great place to stay and hang out. The restaurants and bars are very eclectic and chic or totally divey and delicious. That is most of the charm. There is tons of live music, and did I mention the hippies. I don't know if there is a hippie website that tells you were to go "chill and fight the man", but seriously. Nikki would have had a stroke, and the people from "What Not To Wear" would have been there for days. All sorts of greasy random hairdo, weird combos of skirts/pants/Chuck Taylor's, and all sorts of hanging around. The scary part was that all of them did it on purpose. It wasn't like what happens when I don't pay attention to what I am wearing, this was all well thought out and executed intentionally. Furthermore, I have never seen loitering taken to such an impressive level everywhere. Street corners, restaurants, middle of the

On Friday we went to an awesome oyster bar (in season right now down here) for some absolutely delicious business, and then went to a tapas joint that was very local and fantastic. We then went and hung out at a great bar with live bluegrass for a few drinks. Again, people were dressed like they didn't have overhead lights or mirrors in their home. I didn't hate the bluegrass as much as I thought I would. I seriously thought I would want to gouge out my eyes, but the group ended up being amazing and highly talented and no eye gouging was necessary.

Saturday took us hiking up Chimney Rock Mountain where they have filmed several movies due to the fantastic scenery. It was beautiful. There were a few tight squeezes up inside the rock and moments of me having embarrassing sudden onsets of scared-y catness, but it was all super in the end. We ate lunch in the shadow of a mountain, by a lake, and we were hiking in long sleeve shirts without coats. Pretty fun.

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