Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Completely Out of Hand

So all the people that did not want to come to therapy in November through January (apparently they celebrate holidays like the Swedes down here) decided to start coming...all at once. My work life is a zoo. Luckily I am still enjoying cleaning up after the elephants. Homage to my mom there.

No time for the blog the past few weeks for sure. The extra time I have had has been spent staring at Jake running up and down a basketball court (sometimes carpeted) in a striped shirt being screamed at by people I don't know. I honestly am a little relieved that it is over for the season. I have seen good basketball and I have seen bad basketball...lots of bad basketball...bad basketball. And the occasional chick fight. No boys fighting, only girls. Weird. They are vicious and unpredictable. You know it is coming when boys decide to get after one another, there are obvious signs. Not so much with girls. They silently smolder then snap like a rubber band and go totally bananas. I am now terrified of all teenage girls. I think Jake secretly is too...FACT.

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