Monday, January 21, 2008

Why I Love My Job...

After re-reading the title of this entry, I feel like I need to establish some sort of disclaimer and then maybe tack the phrase “most of the time” or “today” onto the end of the title. I feel like I am almost jinxing myself by admitting it. It is not that I have not loved other jobs in the past, and it is not that this job has no conflict or problems. There are just days when I feel like this job is a really good fit for me. I know that makes me a pretty lucky person that I am able to make that statement.

I have a boss that is completely insane in the best way imaginable, and goes out of her way to give me what I need, and saves my life daily. My co-workers haven’t thrown down a mutiny yet, nor requested that someone fire me or tar and feather me’s the South, and I am not sure if they would tar and feather me prior to firing or not? I will consider that a large compliment after 4 months of dealing with me!

My company is acutely aware of the importance of keeping employees happy so they are motivated to give the very best customer service you can get at a hospital. I am just extremely proud to tell people where I work. Part of this is a result of me spending Thursday and Friday at an all day training session for all managers of the entire hospital (220 folks), held off-site. Simply the idea of this is initially terrifying. I guess it was kind of a big crisis the first time, but since then everyone has figured out that the joint is not going to burn down without the management, and the employees get to have a little more responsibility, which is part of the point I think. All the employees have a lot of ownership in the hospital, which I think makes a huge difference. The hospital does these meetings quarterly, and it has been a tremendous experience for me. They bring in motivational speakers, follow up with all of our goals as a group, and we laugh at one another and do ridiculous chants lead by the CEO of the hospital. It is amazing how much gets accomplished when everyone gets together for face-to-face meetings. I think it is great for accountability as it gets everyone on the same page, and everyone knows what everyone else has heard so there are no excuses for any variability across departments. Everyone knows what is expected and that there are people holding them responsible for their part so we can meet our goals. We work with a few large consulting groups that are totally invaluable. They do a great job of keeping our eye on the ball and pushing us forward. We have pushed our customer service numbers from single digits 3 years ago to being in the top 25th percentile of hospitals that are completing surveys currently for inpatient care. We are very progressive in our practices for being in SC and are a model hospital in the state. In the 7th largest city in SC. Amazing.

I really appreciate that we are all about celebrating victories, ridiculous chants and then putting the success behind us and pushing forward some more. We are getting really close to consideration for Gallup’s 25 Most Desirable Places to Work. That would be a pretty solid honor. It is great to feel like you can be a part of that and feel that good about work….at least for today, I may hate it tomorrow!

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