Monday, January 21, 2008

Other People's New Year's Resolutions Are Ruining My Day.

I hate going to the gym right now. Usually I really enjoy going to the gym. I walk in a swearing stressed out train wreck, then I get to turn off my mind, take out my frustrations on inanimate objects or do yoga, and am a much more tolerable person when I walk out those doors.

However, all of the new gym members that wrote down "Lose 20 Pounds" for their New Year's Resolution are making me nuts. Now there are 3 times as many cars in the parking lot, a million more people taking my spot on the elliptical and a bunch more mats in the yoga gym. Not to mention the insane increase in the number of sweaty germy hands on everything. I do realize as a health care professional I should be supportive of this trend, but deep down inside I know that 50% of these fools will quit in the first 6 WEEKS, not to mention the pile of quitters there will be after 6 months. There should be some sort of rule where the "gym regulars" get to keep coming at the good times (early in the morning or after work) and the "New Year's folks" should have to come in at really crappy times to test their resolve in reference to their lifestyle change. You would then keep the regulars happy, and cause the New Year's folks to take pause and see if they are really committed to what they thought they wanted after they got on the scale New Year's Day after their 9th helping of fruitcake. If the new folks stick to their crappy gym times for 6 weeks, they then get to start coming at the good times... And that is my platform for running for President of the United States Of America.

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