Saturday, January 19, 2008


So Jake is on a streak of officiating. Like a big one. So I am spending a lot of time getting to become “at one with my aloneness”. That makes me pretty reflective, and I realized that I had not mentioned any sort of transition from 2007 to 2008. Everyone knows that every good blog person does some sort of “year in review” right? I got to thinking about mine and it was pretty comical.
January 2007 started out very normally, and then by June it was a total mess. By December 31st 2007 we have settled back down again. Of course that is after each of us changed jobs (careers too kinda), sold a house, drove halfway across the country in an oil-spurting Penske truck to a place where we knew no one, and moved into an apartment after owning 2 homes. Which I would report feels like a step backward in my adult maturation process, although is a better financial decision than either of my homes were. I still get nauseated every time I drive past a Lowe’s or a Home Depot..
I feel like I have come pretty far this year. I am sure my parents and Jake would both dispute this fact as I am still the same eternal 12 year old, but now I am managing some folks, really stretching myself, and learning a lot of things I never would have if we would have stayed in Manhattan. I miss everyone severely, but I feel like this is where I am supposed to be…usually. You know these Kansas City/Manhattan/South Carolina Worcesters change their minds pretty quickly!

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