Saturday, May 23, 2009

Reasons I Don't Swim in Lakes for Recreation

1. Alligators
2. Freshwater sharks
3. Giant man-eating fish
4. Pumps that will suck you in
5. Snakes
6. Lake water poisoning- or any number of other maladies seen only on the Discovery Health channel.

Jake has informed me that #1-5 are ridiculous, and #6 would not be a problem as long as I stop trying to drink the lake water while swimming. We practiced swimming in the lake yesterday and it went better. Ike practiced swimming too, and that was way funnier.

Jake deserves some sort of medal for being married to such a headcase...however I am pretty sure I deserve a medal at times for being married to him so we will call it even.

On a completely other note, I am currently watching the NCAA lacrosse tournament on this Saturday afternoon (while my husband went to watch the new terminator movie with another dude whose wife wouldn't go either). It is really interesting and fantastic sport. Baseball, football, soccer all mixed together. Wonderful.

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