Monday, January 11, 2010


So, it is 3 a.m. and I am on the computer. Generally not good. I am not sure what is keeping me from sleeping lately, but it's doing a fantastic job. I don't start work until Wednesday, so it makes me nuts that I can't sleep because I could sleep all I want..until Wednesday. Crap.

I have heavy duty blog catch up to do right now, but I am not sure that my thoughts would be organized enough to be worth reading!

My parents came over the weekend and helped us put a big dent in getting the house together. It's nice to have another set of hands and eyes for sure. You get to the point where you are just wandering around in the boxes and not sure what to do next! Jake's parents are coming next weekend to bring Ike back to us and see the new digs. It will be fun to see what Ike thinks of the new fenced in yard and significant increase in living space!

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