Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Catching Up!

Hey there folks. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and your New Year is off to a fabulous start. Mine is lovely so far. I have so much to catch everyone up on so this will be a "Magic Bullet" post. An attempt at a fast summation of many points...everyone knows I am terrible at telling stories in a short fashion, so just put up with it and pretend it was short. And for extra fun, these are not going to be in any particular order. Here goes...

*Bartlesville- actually has a bunch of cutural stuff. It's amazing. There is a Mozart Festival,huge regional theater, ballet company, orchestra, whole deal. It's pretty cool. We won free tickets to "Broadway in Bartlesville" last week. The way we got tickets was pretty funny. We took a bunch of packing paper to the Humane Society and met a really nice guy who was the director. He started chatting us up and asked us if we would like to register for "some tickets for cats", and that "no one else had registered so you would definitely win"..Jake and I don't want any damn cats. We both stared at one another and tried to find a way out of it, until the guy explain that the tickets were for "Cats" the broadway show that would be in Bartlesville. So that was funny and we registered for them while watching someone with meth teeth try to adopt an animal while the humane society person tried to find a reason not the give it to them. We got a call that we won them last week and had a great time. We went to the show and then to a really cool bar at the top of a building that was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It was a great evening.

Oh, and by the way.."Cats" is really just about cats..there is no other meaning or deep plot. I had seen other Broadway shows and there is usually a plot. Don't waste your time trying to figure out what "Jellicle cats" are because it's hopeless. You never find out.

*Christmas- Due the other things going on in life we spent Christmas in South Carolina without our families. It turned out really well though as we had a few great friends that weren't going anywhere either, so we just spent the time together like a makeshift family. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner on Christmas, which made me really happy since I worked on Thanksgiving, and ate Pavlova for the first time. It is an AWESOME meringue dessert that is native to New Zealand, but that my Austrailian friend insists is native to Austrailia.

*Moving- What a total fiasco...but not so bad because it is always going to be non-ideal. We got on the road super late due to the retardation of the loading crew. My husband was awesome and drove the whole way as we were pulling my jeep and it was totally pouring the whole way. He is a saint..yet again.

*Ike- Doing great in his first real yard. It is actually fenced in so we can just put him out there. It took a lot of work to convince him that yards aren't just for pooping in, that fun can happen there..so now he begs to go out so he can stare inside while holding he frisbee in his mouth and looking pathetic. Then he decides that you aren't letting him in and lays down 1 inch outside the door looking pathetic so there is no possible way you can accidentally leave him out there.

All right. I am totally tired. Giving it up for the night. PS: we are supposed to get some sort of really awesome ice storm at the end of this week. I am really glad we live in the Midwest again...Crap.

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