Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So, That's Sunday School.

Or otherwise titled "Demonstration that God has a sense of humor". The Sunday of Valentine's Day we went to Sunday school. We celebrated Valentine's Day the night before with a combination of wine, bourbon and beer. Needless to say my mind was not the sharpest tool in the shed and we were headed to meet a bunch of folks at church. Recipe for disaster..yes, yes it is.

So we get divided up into groups to work through a Bible passage and I of course get matched up with the Youth Pastor and leader of the group. He then looks at me and says "Let's just turn to the book of Acts"...and then I almost threw up. I am sorry, but I learned the books of the Bible about 20 years ago in Weekday Church School..I don't remember what I ate for breakfast, and I sure don't know where Acts is in the Bible right now. So I take the Bible and open it up..and it falls to the book of Acts. I almost died of shock. I fumble through and find the verse and start to read. The jist of it is that the Gentiles and the Jews should hang out together and eat meat, but the Bible chose to phrase it all about circumcision and non-circumcision...which I get to read aloud to the Pastor. That was great. I wanted to croak. I only recall snippets of all of it because I was very busy trying not to cry/laugh/run from the room screaming. The rest of it involved the Pastor making me discuss our part of the questions with the rest of the group, which was challenging as I had completely blocked out the Pastor and my discussion of circumcision and meat eating. I had to admit it to the group that I forgot our original answers, but shot very well from the hip. Jake was not nearly as mortified as I thought he would be. Point for Hilary.

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