Thursday, July 22, 2010

And then I had to carry my bike a mile....

Yep. I need more time to write than I have right now about my weekend biking adventure! It was definitely awesome.

Had a great bike ride this morning with Jake. It was beautiful. The roads here aren't nearly as scary as the one's in SC, so that makes it really nice. I would even consider going out by myself here. I would never have done that in SC. Our ride this morning was rolling hills, ranches, long horns and tall grass. Gorgeous. It was a great way to start the day.

We are going on a float trip this weekend and I am totally jazzed about it. Jake and I had a prior float trip experience that was not so good, so I am hoping this one redeems it, or Jake may never go again!

I can't believe summer is almost over. The kids and teachers I treat are talking about going back to class already. Unbelievable how fast this has gone. Work has been super hectic so I haven't gotten to enjoy my summer like I would have liked to. Hoping all this hard work I am doing laying a foundation pays off...because it's hard work...

What I don't understand is that sun is coming up later and going down earlier, but somehow it is still hotter than the face of the sun all the time. Explain that you crazy science folks!

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