Friday, July 2, 2010

Communicate People

That is a famous saying of someone in SC that I used to do triathlons with. She was AWESOME with e-mail and always right on top of it and it would take Jake and I a few days to get a response to her, which always made her nuts. I suppose that there are a few of you out there that still read this mess, and I have been terribly inconsistent with it which makes me sad. So, now I am going to try to do it in the mornings since I seem to have more time then. Turning over a new leaf today. We will see what the underside of that leaf looks like...

This is an ode to how much I LOVE the mornings! Holy Smokes there is no better time to the day. I have been getting out and running in the beautiful summer right before the day starts and there is not a time I am more excited about my day. Everything from yesterday is behind you, everything for today is in front of you and you are stealing a glimpse at how great the day can be. Deep breath in ----- exhale. Now, rock on Friday.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Uh, so are you failing at your new resolution already?!?! :) It's been a week, yo!!! Hee hee, KLaw