Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Disgusting, terrible, wretched weather.

I am done with it all. It is the 7th gate to hell outside. Everything out of doors is D.O.A.A- Dead On Arrival of August. Yard, flowers, plants, crops, anything that depends on temps less than 100 degrees and more water than dew on the leaves first thing in the morning. Being outdoors is absolutely intolerable and borderline unsafe. Awesome that you can't work out after 7 in the morning because you wake up and it's 80 already. Too hot to ride my bike, too hot to run, can't swim in the lakes because they were too low on water and are all too full of algae that will freaking kill you if you touch it. Woof.

Oh yeah, it's only August 2nd. Today is 111 degrees, tomorrow is 114 degrees. I don't know how to deal with all of this. The chiller at work can't keep up and it is totally rank in the clinic. Yuck.

Worst. Summer. Ever.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quick and Dirty Update

I thought I wrote a great big long post about my sister's wedding..but I didn't apparently. So instead there is just some updates.

1. We went to Napa. It was freaking magical. We stayed in a magical house, we visited magical wineries, we were with magical friends, we had magical times, and then it was magically over. Jake and I are lucky to have friends that are great enough to plan super events and then just let you come along. We just got on the plane and started having fun.

I would suggest many of the wineries we visited to anyone looking for an above the crowd experience. The valley floor gets super busy, so the most relaxing wineries were up in the mountains. My favorites were: Lava Vine, Cade, Sterling, and Neal.

I also had a great experience tasting olive oil. I had no idea that olive oil could have so many different properties based on how it was pressed and when it was pressed during the season. There is a distinctive grassy taste and heat in the back of your throat that is actually supposed to be there. I thought it just meant that the oil had gone bad.. I brought back two bottles, and it really is totally different. I guess it's the same thing with eating a steak, or any other experience that you are not educated about. Once you talk to someone who knows what they are talking about and gives you perspective it gives you a whole new appreciation for the experience. Pretty neat.

2. My sister got married. It was great, but we were totally worn out by the end. It was a ton of fun as my sisters were all bridemaids and there were all sorts of shenanigans. My parents totally remodeled our entire outside of our home, and it really looks wonderful. They hosted a hummer of a shindig the night before the blessed event and it won't soon be forgotten. There were more than 100 guests at the party and people were everywhere. Even using my father's garage bathroom..the grossest place on earth. It was hilarious.

3. Summer. Super freaking the hottest summer of all time. I had all sorts of grand plans for hiking and biking and running which have all gone by the wayside as it has been mainly 100 degrees since it stopped snowing.

We just walked back in the door from my cousin's wedding in Garden City. It pretty much hasn't rained there since it stopped snowing this winter. We had a great time, but the weather was dry and hotter than Hades. So much fun. Good dancing and great family time.

4. New program. A few work friends and I started a little program for community outreach. It is called "Bartlesville Move", and the idea is to start with a Couch to 5K program, then build up to sponsoring 5K races and bicycling event. We are going to provide community programs and education so that people can work on becoming fit with guidance on all aspects from running form to proper nutrition. We piloted this program with our own employees and really had some good results. I think it could work. Here Jake and I are at the first 5K for the program:

We have a Facebook page under "Bartlesville Move", and a blog. I am providing most of the content at this time, but I have some great people that will be playing a really big role once it is up and running. I couldn't be more excited.

So there is the update! I may even try to throw in some pics!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ahhh Spring

Spring is such a wonderful time. Hope springs eternal. The days get longer, the sun shines warm upon your back, and then you look out in your back yard and realize it is a total mess. When it is covered in snow and leaves you don't realize that there is so much disaster hidden underneath.

We have got a project on our hands. Not as much of a project as it was a year ago, but still not an easy task. We have areas that don't drain, areas that wash out to the culvert on the other side of the fence, and so much of something called "henbit" that there is more of it than there is grass in our yard. We also have Bermuda grass instead of regular grass, so it greens up really late and makes it look like it is still January here instead of almost April.

I have a misguided desire to have a "real-life garden" with vegetables and the whole nine yards. Everyone I know likes to repeatedly tell me what a terrible idea this is. That does not make me particular optimistic about the whole project. Oh well. Apparently I love frustration so much in my life that I go around looking for new ways to find it!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Winter Hibernation

I haven't touched this thing in months. It's too bad. There is not a really good excuse, but when Jake is out of town I kind of shut down a bit. There was also a stretch of 6 weekends in a row where we were out of town through the beginning of January. There was also the 3 weekends in a row I was sick with either a cold or the worst stomach flu. Gross. So that brings us to last weekend. That was my sister's bachelorette party.

It ended up going very well, which was a real relief. There is a lot of pressure when you are an older sister throwing a party for younger sister. You really want to be cool and fun, but you don't actually know what they enjoy doing. You only remember the stories that she told about what she and her friends did. In that case, I was going to need insurance on the hotel room and a CSI clean up crew... They were a pretty crazy crew in college. They would show up to tailgates with Kool-Aid mustaches and covered in mud when it hadn't rained in weeks. Needless to say, they were a good time.

We had snacks and cocktails and headed out to Aggieville. We watched a brutal KSU game where we blew it, and then had a great time in Aggieville. It was apparently "Transvestite Saturday" in Aggieville that night, so that really made for some local color I hadn't seen before i the 'Ville. Quite exciting.

Let's see if I will come back to this before another 2 months...