Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Disgusting, terrible, wretched weather.

I am done with it all. It is the 7th gate to hell outside. Everything out of doors is D.O.A.A- Dead On Arrival of August. Yard, flowers, plants, crops, anything that depends on temps less than 100 degrees and more water than dew on the leaves first thing in the morning. Being outdoors is absolutely intolerable and borderline unsafe. Awesome that you can't work out after 7 in the morning because you wake up and it's 80 already. Too hot to ride my bike, too hot to run, can't swim in the lakes because they were too low on water and are all too full of algae that will freaking kill you if you touch it. Woof.

Oh yeah, it's only August 2nd. Today is 111 degrees, tomorrow is 114 degrees. I don't know how to deal with all of this. The chiller at work can't keep up and it is totally rank in the clinic. Yuck.

Worst. Summer. Ever.

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