Sunday, January 13, 2013

Now where was I?

So I am getting back on the blog wagon...again. We are loving Colorado so much and doing so many things that I find super interesting and new that I can't keep everyone up on every little detail when we catch up on the phone or by e-mail. As in the past I am treating this blog like an online diary of my life/our lives, so if it seems self serving it is. It is to help me remember what the hell happened in my 30s when I am 80.. I think that when this blog stopped was when I started the Couch to 5K blog I wrote when we lived in Bartlesville. It was called "Bartlesville Move". I was/am really proud of that accomplishment especially since it was occurring at a time in my life when my work was otherwise very complicated and stressful. It is definitely the shining accomplishment of my time spent in Bartlesville as well as some of the super tight friendships that get formed in stressful situations. Enough about that whole mess. I hope that the blog is more entertaining now. I learned quite a bit about "blogging" while doing the other blog so now I can actually put in pictures without help and make it more fun. We will see though won't we...

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