Sunday, January 13, 2013

So Where Are We Exactly, And What Are We Doing Here?

I thought I would show off some of my new and fancy ways with the computer. Prepare to be impressed:

Yep, I downloaded a map AND put a star on Fort Collins where we are living. I know, it is awesome. Most 3 year olds could probably do this with their ipads, but this is pretty major for me. I think I will use this map for demonstrating where we are running around to inside the state. 

Jake is still working with Richard with Peak Solutions and it seems to really be working well to be in closer geography to him. They have been working together for about 6 years and are making the world a better place one front line manager at a time...and still earning extra money off of the clock when I get home from work. 

I am working at Poudre Valley Hospital and really enjoying it. I am the Manager of Outpatient Rehabilitation Service (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy) and am working with a group of about 17 therapists. They are all great at their jobs and I am very lucky. Of course I managed to walk in the door in October right as they were staring to become part of the University of Colorado Health System which is a great move, but causes some crazy stuff to happen when three hospitals merge. We are now in the middle of switching our electronic medical record,changing policies and procedures my staff has known for years and now Healthcare reform and Medicare are switching around the rules around. Never a dull moment. It is a pretty neat situation. We are part of a Colorado owned, not for profit hospital system that stretches all along the front range from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs. Once we get all the kinks worked out it I think it is going to be pretty amazing, that can take a while with an organization of this size. So check back with me in 2015 and we should have it all smoothed over!

We don't have any furniture yet as we are still waiting for our house in Bartlesville to sell so we are existing with a love seat and our bed is on the floor. We should have a guest bed and a real couch by the beginning of February, so we will be open for fun then!

Now where was I?

So I am getting back on the blog wagon...again. We are loving Colorado so much and doing so many things that I find super interesting and new that I can't keep everyone up on every little detail when we catch up on the phone or by e-mail. As in the past I am treating this blog like an online diary of my life/our lives, so if it seems self serving it is. It is to help me remember what the hell happened in my 30s when I am 80.. I think that when this blog stopped was when I started the Couch to 5K blog I wrote when we lived in Bartlesville. It was called "Bartlesville Move". I was/am really proud of that accomplishment especially since it was occurring at a time in my life when my work was otherwise very complicated and stressful. It is definitely the shining accomplishment of my time spent in Bartlesville as well as some of the super tight friendships that get formed in stressful situations. Enough about that whole mess. I hope that the blog is more entertaining now. I learned quite a bit about "blogging" while doing the other blog so now I can actually put in pictures without help and make it more fun. We will see though won't we...