Thursday, November 15, 2007

All Over South Carolina

My parents and Nikki came to visit last weekend and they got to see almost every inch of South Carolina from the mountains to the ocean. Whirlwind weekend for sure, but lots of fun.

We started out in Greenville, then up through the foothills of the mountains to see some of the fall colors. SC has been SO DRY that I think it is usually a little more colorful, but it was still a beautiful drive. We headed to Greenwood and spent the night. We had initially planned on going to Charleston Saturday morning as I thought it was only two hours, but then Jake informed me that I had slept through part of the trip and it was actually 3 hours...whoops. We decided we should go to Charleston anyway despite the drive, and we dropped off Ike at "dog camp" and headed out.

Charleston was great. We stayed at the same hotel we stayed in our prior trip with Travis, and were able to walk all over the city. It was a fall day for sure in SC as it was about 60 degrees, but we had great time looking in local art galleries, seeing the ocean, and we even took in some steamed oysters and live music. My father spent most of the trip looking for the perfect pecan pie, almost to the point of being a pecan pie stalker, only to miss out on the one time the girls stopped and found some while he and Jake were booking the golf outing. Hehehehe! He got on the plane without ever getting a bite of the greatest southern creation they have come up with so far. On Sunday morning the guys hit the golf course and the ladies headed for Isle of Palms to the best place to brunch I have found yet. Crab cakes Benedict all around with a cup of coffee, then we stuck our toes in the ocean while wearing jeans and heavy jackets....I never said we were smart. I am pretty sure the water temperature was higher than the air temperature!

It was a long drive all the way back across the state to get them to the airport on Sunday, and from what I hear an even longer ride back to Kansas. Anyway, it was definitely a good time despite the fact I was still recovering on Wednesday! I had a great time with everyone, but it made me realize how much I am going to miss not being home for Thanksgiving this year. Oh well, we are going to try to get home for a week at Christmas and that will be more fun than a quick trip home and turn around to be back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is Monday eve and I just finished reading you latest comments and enjoyed the "rip"
Learned more than I did from your parents. Guess Kathy will have to bake a pecon pie for Thanksgiving. Grammy