Saturday, November 3, 2007

Making me nuts.

I am angry at my dryer. I would throw it off of the deck of my apartment if I thought there was anyway I could get that done without having to ask Jake for help with moving it. I don't think I can talk him into helping me. The stupid dryer door is on the wrong side and opens in a manner that I cannot effectively get anything into or out of it because it is in the tiniest space ever, sitting one million feet from the wall for some reason, and I really feel the washer and dryer hook ups are backwards put into by some cracked out electrician/plumber with a very ill sense of humor. So, in light of this I did what any self respecting woman would do...I threw a fit, took the dryer door off and tried to put in on the other way. And will now walk away and ask Jake to fix it as I am too angry to even look at it. Dan Worcester told me that the door could not be reversed when we moved here and I did not believe him because it is ASININE that the dryer door is not reversible. Well Dan, you are right, it is really dumb. Is it some sort of sick attempt to make you buy another dryer if you need to make the door open the other way? Dear lord. I would write someone at Sears a letter or go to the store, but I am afraid the men with the white coats would come get me after I went to Sears and threatened someone when they offered to sell me a new $200 RIGHT SIDE OPENING dryer door to replace my LEFT SIDE OPENING dryer door..AAAHHHH. I did not realize the architectural commitment I was making when I bought my dryer two years ago. They should hang up a sign in the dryer department of the store or something.

I do realize that it is only a symptom my actual angst regarding the size of my current living space. Yes, I know it could be worse and it normally does not make me homicidal, but this is a special Saturday. I have to go to the storage unit and attempt to find some of my sweaters, but also sort out some of my summer clothes to trade out b/c there is not enough room here. Probably b/c there are mountain bikes in one closet, all of my kitchen stuff in one hall closet, Jake works out of one bedroom, and our regular sized furniture takes up a gigantic amount of space in this place. Jake, myself and our possessions could fit here easily...if we were midgets with tiny furniture, tiny clothes, and smaller junk...but then we could not reach the that wouldn't even fix the problem...AAAHHH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now Hilary, you really do have a problem. Sounds to me like you need to find a bigger apt or a house to rent. Sorry you are having problems and wonder if the dryer door is back on or if you are going elsewhere to do your laundry.