Sunday, November 4, 2007


I was flipping through radio stations today and heard Christmas music. Then I promptly nearly drove off of the road. Then I walked into the portal to hell otherwise known as WalMart and was greeted by a 15 foot tall fake Christmas tree. When did Halloween become the starting date for the holiday season? I remember when I couldn't wait for the day after Thanksgiving to start hearing Christmas music and begin the fun holiday season. Now the Christmas trees are coming in with the school supplies. Seriously? I am becoming a grumpy, old codger apparently as I am going to refuse to buy Christmas gifts before Labor Day...which is when I am sure they will start with the Christmas music next year.


Anonymous said...

Grammy Ione hataes Wal-Mart

Anonymous said...

Grammy agrees with you about having christmas decorations out so early. Thanksgiving is forgotten. And it is still very much football season. I think I will not do much Christma shopping. Oh, Rozann and I are going on a Christmas in Texas trip the 29th of November0Dec 3.