Sunday, April 20, 2008

The DVD Player IS Smarter Than A 5th Grader.

Our DVD player is definitely alive. Or at least has the ability to reason. I am kind of waiting for it to begin to demand food, or find it watching me as I do the dishes. It has been able to assess without fail the climax of every movie we have attempted to watch in the past two weeks and then freeze up for amazingly long periods of time before reloading and allowing us to search for the part we were watching only to stop again. It can sense that you are about the throw the whole technological nightmare out the window when all the sudden it lets you load it and finish it as though nothing has happened. It has happened with old movies, new movies, scratched and clean DVD’s, and is not showing any preference for any specific genre that I can see. If I were the DVD player I would freeze up and prevent the climax of “Star Wars” if I was made to play it repeatedly as well, but that is not what is happening. The most unfortunate portion of this story is the fact that I am being forced to watch long stretches of pro basketball against my will as the dang thing reloads ”Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” for the 3rd time today. Gross.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should post again you lazy child.