Sunday, September 28, 2008

Out of Gas..For Real

The southeastern portion of the United States is out of gas...seriously. It is very weird. Apparently we are on a totally different supply chain than you lucky Kansas folks and ours was all torn up by the 5 hurricanes that have hit in the Gulf. At first it was just people being stupid and causing problems (which I think still might be part of the problem) but now we are actually out of gas all over the place. It is very odd to try and plan where you are going based on the possibility that there might not be any gas to get you home with. We were going to go to Greenville for a 5K and to return some pants this weekend but decided it wasn't really a necessary trip and thought we would wait until we had other reasons to go. I realize that a lot of folks cannot afford the gas to do things, but it is completely different than there just not being any gas. Bizarre.

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