Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Awesomeness of NetFlix

Netflix is very solid. It is one of those things were you send away for movies and they show up in your mailbox, then you watch them and put them back in your mailbox. It is a little like magic. However, the list must be constantly monitored to ensure that Jake does not make all of the decisions or I will end up with all the Rocky, Rambo, and Star Wars movies they will allow us to have...oh and anything with Ronald Reagan (you would really be surprised at how many movies there are with good old Ronny).. and it will occur during a week when he is out of town and I could be watching something entertaining and mindless (my favorite genre).

The best part is that it prevents me from having to go to the nastiest Hollywood video ever. It would not be the flagship store for sure. I am pretty sure corporate has not been here since the grand opening. There is not a lot of competition for videos here in G-wood and they have figured out that the market is cornered so they can pretty much get away with anything. It is not that they are rude (as one employee nicely held the door open for me while they were smoking from inside) or unfriendly (as two of them were nice enough to speak at a tremendously loud volume about a really unattractive store incident so that I could participate in the story) as just generally rank and unsavory. The store smells like what I would imagine the inside of a nose smells like (maybe the underside of a toenail) and they are always out of everything except Tyler Perry movies and HBO specials.

Anyway, can't even remember what caused me to write this. The "what the inside of a nose must smell like" made me laugh so hard I forgot my train of thought. Oh well. Anyway, I guess I should close by saying that I am thankful for this brilliant service as it was that Netflix that helped several other people confirm that I have a soul last weekend by sending me a movie that caused me to cry for 1.75 hours for "entertainment" in front of 2 really surprised folks. I am fixing the list so that it is only full of ridiculous crap.

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