Sunday, October 5, 2008

Why Did I Do That On Purpose?

Titles for the blog entries are hard to come up with sometimes. I also am not sure if I should capitalize every word, only have the beginning capitalized like a real sentence, or maybe I should just write the whole thing in lower case to make it seem less urgent. I also think it is funny when people think you are yelling at them why you write in all caps (either handwriting or on the computer)...I am just sloppy at writing in cursive in real life so often choose to use upper case so folks can read it. I digress from the original point of this blog.

So I rode my bike 28 miles today with Jake. It was brutal and sucktastic. The course was really hilly and long and there was a lot of traffic. The route was Jake's bike course for his first Olympic distance triathlon he is doing this weekend so it will give him a good edge on his competition...mentally at least. Seriously it was really far. There was a terrible hill up to the car at the end. If there hadn't been so many people on the golf course I seriously would have walked my bike to the end.

I have my last sprint triathlon this weekend and it should be fun. It is my first swim that is not in a pool and did I mention the bike and run course will be seriously hilly? Yuck. Nothing like getting up at 5 a.m to go kick your own butt for no reason except for a bizarre sense of accomplishment...and getting to go eat at IHOP afterwards because you have finally burned enough calories in your life to eat the chicken fried steak skillet.

I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A REALLY NICE WEEK...not yelling at all.

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