Sunday, October 5, 2008

Freaking Internet

I would imagine everyone can appreciate that I don't take a bunch of picture of myself in my triathlon get up to work so everyone can see me in all my glory. It is not a sight I am particularly proud of (sorry to end with a preposition but I am tired). However, one of my co-workers dug up a bunch of pics of me at the Lauren's YMCA triathlon on the Internet and printed them off...and then wrote fun little captions and posted them at work. It was really bad. Spandex is not good on anyone, but especially not good when you don't know that someone is taking pictures of you and you have no chance to try and minimize the effects.. I imagine that the images are burned into the backs of their minds for good! I don't think there is anything else of me on the internet, but if there is I am sure they will find it.

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