Monday, March 31, 2008

Good Holy Allergies Batman!

I have to tell you that SC has some really impressive pollen. I know that doesn't sound so important, but it is. Everyone at work is laughing at my manly voice (worse than normal), swollen eyes, and Benedryll fueled decisions. I feel that I can say without a doubt that Benedryll usage in allergy season may have been a precipitating factor in the fall of the Aztecs, Rome and the development of illegal hallucinogenic drugs in the 60's.

I thought that the brownish-yellow granules all over our deck were the result of careless sanding of the deck above ours but came to discover it is actually tree pollen settling out of the air from the trees....yikes. Double yikes as Jake and I have been enjoying the beautiful weather with all of our windows and doors open. Everyone at work thought that was especially funny/idiotic. Really helped my credibility. The kicker is that Jake is fine. His allergies were terrible in KS but have been fine to this point. Weird. I am told that this is not even as bad as it is going to get. Great. Oh well. I will be seeing all of you in my Benedryll dreams...riding unicorns while eating bowls of ravioli, shooting sawed off shotguns at me and wearing Sammy Davis Jr. masks.

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