Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Pretty funny little game. You throw weighted balls at a target, like croquet without the sticks. It is a pretty good time. I recommend it. Wal-Mart for 12 dollars. It would be pretty easy in KS as there is a lot of flat surfaces...kinda a bear here in SC. Have to account for the uneven-ness of the gound like reading a golf green. Pretty good hanging out game to play...Although I still get too into it and swear a little. No one can imagine that...


Bill said...

No you swear? Lori's started playing volleyball with Jackies team again although I'm sure its not the same with out the sailor on the team!

Glad to hear everyone is alive out there!

Hilary said...

Yep, the sailor is now a lot closer to the coast... We were playing bocce on the beach this weekend so there were beers and extra swearing...all the swearing wasn't me though. It was the other beach trash. AWESOME!

I am missing playing volleyball. I really enjoyed it. Have Lori tell everyone "hi" for me!