Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Jake and I have been doing tons of interesting things with our time in South Carolina that a lot of people didn't see coming. Actually, I can safely say that NO ONE saw them coming. I didn't even see it coming. Over the past 10 months we have become bike riders, hikers, joggers, triathalons in training, and now we are heading camping. Stop laughing. It would really be the coup de gras of our "outdoorsy-ness" if this became some sort of a habit. It is well known that we are master tailgaters with all of the necessary camping supplies to stay alive for days, but we both lack the desire to be dirty for days in a row and poop outside. Nothing good can come of that. I can't even poop inside if I think there is anyone around within 50 feet. There is also that interesting smell that is around for many, many days afterwards (kinda like The Aggie Lou) that doesn't go away when you wash your hair and clothes. We have been camping before with friends and enjoyed it, but we were never quite this serious. Well, now we are jumping in with both feet. We are driving four hours to go camping with some friends at Myrtle Beach. These are people who spent a month in India living out of a back pack and hiked the Grand Canyon in May. We are going to sleep in a tent and the ocean is about 300 yards away. I would be totally lying to say it is going to be deep woods camping as we are in the middle of the town, there is a shower, and there are not any bears or lions, so we are not exactly roughing it. I think that is a good idea that our first attempt at faraway camping will be suburban/urban. Probably like sleeping in the backyard of your parents when you were a kid... I didn't ever sleep in a tent, but I tried to sleep in a tree once. Luckily my mom is very persuasive and talked me out of it.

I secretly desire to eat a fish I caught myself. Actually not so secret...everyone should know that by now. However that would require a fishing pole, bait, and some other weird things I don't have. I would also have to kill the fish somehow. I really am not sure how that works. But I could sure take it apart...I watch a lot of the food network.

According to some of my patients this is an amazing thing that we stumbled onto a campsite there as it is typically booked all summer long six months in advance...of course we had no clue when we dumb lucked into it. Hopefully we enjoy it! Maybe we will truly become "outdoorsy"..hmmm, don't hold your breath. I don't see myself pooping outside on a regular basis.

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