Monday, June 30, 2008


This is a nod to my prior post of "Outdoorsy" where we were planning something outdoorsy that I didn't know would work or not. Jake was reading the blog the other day (he sometimes reads it when he is wondering what I am writing about him) and informed me that I should not have had a "Birthaversary Volume 1" if I had not intended to write a "Volume 2". So I apologize to all of you holding your breath on the second volume. I used good judgement and left the second part out that involved some ladies fighting on the beach and one yelling at another that her mother was a "fat heifer". Anyway, in the same vein of "Outdoorsy", this one is called "Athletic" as we have now planned something athletic that will either be really great or really terrible...Hence the question mark at the end. If I thought it was a sure thing, it would be titled "Athletic!" instead...definitely more self assured punctuation when you use an exclamation point! All of that really great insight into the nuances of punctuation is all self taught as my 8th and 9th grade teachers were too much fun to actually teach me anything useful in real life, so I made up my own punctuation ideas... The question mark's name is actually "Ross", the exclamation point is kinda a jerk, and the comma lives in the duplex down the block. Again I stray away from the point of the post.

So, we are now officially signed up for the Asheville Sprint Triathlon. Yep, they have our money so now I can't back out. Luckily it is the first annual so hopefully it will not be very big. It is also supposed to be very beginner friendly. I am not sure it could ever be beginner friendly enough for me! "Sprint" just means it is an abbreviated distance as compared to most triathlons, it in no way means how fast you will go...guaranteed my speed cannot be called a "sprint" or even a gallop some days. This means I will have to swim, ride my bike and run all in a row on purpose on July 20th. Sounds like a really dumb idea, but we live in triathlon country so when in Rome. Luckily we chose the Triathlon part to partake in in lieu of some of the other more colorful and less adoptable Southern activities. Thought you would all get a laugh out of it as you try and envision me being athletic, especially any of you that saw any tape of me playing high school basketball or heard the story about me falling over in the ocean this weekend and head butting some lady in the behind 20 yards away before I was able to get myself back under control....

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