Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Irony

Jake and I spent the 4th of July with a whole bunch of English people. It was hysterical. I suppose I need to clarify, all the women were American and all the men but Jake were born in England or in colonies of England. They called it "Give Back Day" instead of "4th of July". I don't know what that means, but they all laughed hysterically when one of them came up with it. British humor. They were really good sports about the whole thing. I was initially a little nervous as Jake was significantly out numbered and god knows how much the boy loves America, so I was hoping there wouldn't be any rehash of the Revolutionary War but it all turned out fine. I guess as long as no one has to work everyone considers it a pretty good holiday regardless of which side of the pond you are from! Where might you wonder does Greenwood, SC get a bunch of Brits? Turns out the university here is very good at soccer and they import kids from England to play on their team..which maybe the reason why they are good. Anyway, so we did normal stuff like swam and grilled out, but then the guys played cricket. I laughed a lot trying to watch Jake figure out how to throw a ball without bending his elbow... Then there was a lot of talking about cricket and soccer. Jake and I had no idea what anyone was talking about for 40 solid minutes...there was a lot of smiling and nodding. Definitely a different 4th of July, but still tons of fun!

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