Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bad News Bears

I went to a training program for the past two days in Charleston to learn about how to be a better manager. Everyone at work was very excited for me to go... Anyway, I learned some good things but had an interesting group. You really don't know what you are walking into at the deal on the first day so I was open. Not nearly open enough. We were seriously like the movie Bad News Bears. There were 5 out of 12 with college educations, 2 did not speak English, and 4 were angry they had to be there. Fascinating. One of the non-English speakers didn't show on the second day and his other barely English speaking friend told us that he got too freaked out that he didn't understand A WORD the first day and decided to skip the second day. Not sure what he was expecting.. The guy running the show had to want to beat his head against the wall. The comments were amazingly weird and the group work was carried by specific people which was weirdly uncomfortable. The facilitator was silly enough to give homework which half the group just flat refused to do. Luckily all those fools were all there for manager training and are now responsible for shaping America's work force. Holy Mooley.

We went out to eat in Charleston on a mini appetizer/Happy Hour crawl. It was great. We started at a fun restaurant and then got a suggestion for the next place...we did that 3 times. We had some GREAT wine and fun appetizers and capped it off with a ridiculous dessert that involved a waffle bowl made of pralines and filled with an ice cream sundae. Fantastic.

I am headed to Augusta to do some recruitment tomorrow which should be interesting and hopefully fruitful...or just not a tremendous waste of time.

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