Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tennis Frustration

I am watching my 5th hour of tennis. It is terrible and great at the same time. They are the two top men's players hashing it out in a nail biter, but I really want to change it to the Law and Order marathon as it is shooting my nerves. Then I decide that I have so many other things I was going to do with my day, but I can't walk away from it. I have to watch as it is a really great match for the ages, but at the same time I am bored out of my mind. There have been two rain delays which I made great use of my time by playing Dr. Mario or Wii tennis instead of being productive as I wanted to be able to flip back and forth to avoid missing a point. I am pretty certain that the folks below us are thrilled that we have an interactive game console that requires physical participation and includes such quiet games as: boxing, tennis, bowling and golf. You try to box against someone and be quiet about it...virtually impossible.

I am not sure what I would be doing instead of being a tv blob I guess. It is stormy outside and I am resting after a weekend of retard workout stuff, but I had planned on doing highly thought provoking things like watching a really good Queen Elizabeth movie and finishing this book I have been struggling through. Instead I will sit glued to the boob tube watching tennis, playing Dr. Mario (which is the world's most addictive game...thanks Sue and Dan) playing fake tennis and developing real tennis elbow from the Wii... I suppose this is actually what relaxing feels like..interesting....

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