Thursday, July 17, 2008

Brilliance or Insanity?

My husband is either the most brilliant triathlon coach of all times or a complete sadist. His brand of "hardship" training (which is absolutely an accident) will hopefully pay off in this triathlon thing being easier than I am thinking it will be. We keep doing stuff that is really retarded and then later he says things like "wow, that was a lot harder than I thought it would be", or " it was probably too hot to ride that far", or my favorite "I probably shouldn't have told you to try and run a mile after an hour long bike ride at 93 degrees". If I thought it was intentional, I would have killed him by now.

Everyone knows that he is not an early riser which is not necessarily a problem unless you are riding a bicycle greater than 15 HILLY miles at 10 in the morning after several beers the night before when it was at least 20 degrees cooler 3 hours before. Not to mention that he has a fancy bike that makes him leave me even further in the dust. That is when your charming wife turns into a swear machine. Oh, and then there was the time we got lost and rode for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Nothing really seems that bad after that. I think that maybe that's the idea. Complete brilliant insanity. Two days and counting to see if it all pays off.... GO TEAM WOO!

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