Sunday, August 24, 2008

Easily Distracted

I have been thinking about "THE ONE YEAR POST" for two weeks, then forgot to write it.


I wasn't sure what to put into it honestly. Would it be full of deep thoughts? Tears? Would it be REALLY long, brief, detailed, wonder I forgot to write it..stressful. I know it should open with a great big THANKS to all of you who have been keeping up with us over the last year. Especially to my family and Jake's family for coming out to too Richard. Nice to be able to show you all what we are doing out here and why we are out here. I am sure you all wonder! I also really appreciate everyone going to the trouble of keeping up with our antics over e-mail, phone, text, blog reading, whatever. It really does make it feel less far away when I get to chat with you all. I appreciate the effort from all of you!

We have done really well over the past year with new challenges with work, culture shock and trying all sorts of crazy new things (triathlon and grits are the major ones). I have been pretty homesick a few times, but that is to be expected this far from home...hence the name. It is cracking me up that sometimes I get all deep and wonder if I am trying to "find myself".. and then I fall in a bush with a bike and realize that I already know who I am no matter where I live.

Know that you are all in my thoughts everyday and I love that you are part of Jake and my adventure!

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