Sunday, August 24, 2008

Laundry Goddess I Am Not!

It was bound to happen sometime in my life I guess. I had made it for 12 years of doing my own laundry without turning anything pink, but Wednesday I turned EVERYTHING pink (of Jake's that he likes). I put a beach towel that had been washed 100 times in with the "white load" and it bled all over everything. I can't say I take all the blame for it because I had no idea it had happened until it came out of the dryer. Jake was helping me and switched the laundry from washer to dryer and with the help of his trusty color blindness/lack of detail skills didn't notice that the laundry was PINK...not just a little either. Some of it was Pepto. In this load were several of Jake's most favorite things: shirt from our first 5K this summer, triathlon top he wears in all of the races and almost every pair of socks he owns. I don't know how I got lucky, but I did. So scroll down the blog to the pic of us after the first triathlon and picture his meshy, semi-gay shirt with the meshy stuff now a great shade of light pink....even gayer. He can't wear that or all the other guys will make fun of him.

So that leads me to today. I called Nikki for help guessing that the fashionista that she was she had dyed something at sometime. She was too busy laughing at me dying the top pink to begin with to be of any assistance. So, I am stirring a pot full of black water for 30 minutes in hopes that Jake's tri-top will emerge a semi-acceptable manly shade of something. He found the process fascinating and was looking around the apartment for anything else that needed dying. Luckily we decided we like Ike as a blonde and our bed comforter would be entirely to Emo in black so we restrained ourselves.

Wish me luck! Laundry Goddess signing off!

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