Friday, September 21, 2007

Addendum to Charleston

The first place we went after setting down our bags in our hotel in Charleston was a famous restaurant called "Jestine's". The place has all sorts of write ups from every who is who in the world of food. You wait in a long line outside before getting a chance to sit down in a tiny little restaurant to eat fried food.. Not my idea of a good time but Jake and Travis were quite impressed. I was amazed at the number of adults that felt it was a good idea to stand outside in 90 degree heat at 2pm with their toddlers and babies to eat in a tiny restaurant full of food a kid would not touch with a 10 foot pole. I was grumpy after standing in that line, so all of the kids in the joint were totally angry by the time they got to sit down to their Oprah endorsed fried okra and collard greens. As we left after eating all sorts of fried things and Coca-Cola cake I noticed one perfectly silent baby in the corner....because the mother was breast feeding it in the middle of the restaurant. Not in the restroom, at her table, not covered up with a towel, in front of the window with the line full of people. Jake and Travis didn't believe me that someone was doing I had to take them back to the window and show them of course. Almost as upsetting as the huge amount of assorted fried things I had consumed at lunch!

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